[8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Andrew Hughes
2018-11-21 06:45:21 UTC
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8140482
Original changeset:
Webrev: https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~andrew/openjdk8/8140482/webrev.01/

The patch largely applies as is, with some adjustment for context and
the dropping of the changes to src/cpu/x86/vm/stubRoutines_x86.cpp,
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and src/os/windows/vm/attachListener_windows.cpp
which don't exist in 8u. A clean backport of 7127191 is included, which
allows the changes to agent/src/os/linux/libproc_impl.c to apply as-is.

Applying the change to 8u improves the code quality there and aids
in backporting other changes, such as 8210836 [0].

Ok for 8u?

[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-November/025991.html

Andrew :)

Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)

Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
Lindenmaier, Goetz
2018-11-22 08:51:49 UTC

Doesn't this have to be posted to jdk8u-dev?

I had a look at the backport.
Including 7127191 confused me a bit. Is it good to hide the fact that
this was backported in the repository?
In os_linux one fix is missing, is this on purpose? I don't think this is a
critical issue, though, so leaving it out is fine.
the dropping of the changes to ...
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
These changes are included in the webrev ...?

The webrev looks good to me.

Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Andrew Hughes
Sent: Mittwoch, 21. November 2018 07:45
Subject: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8140482
The patch largely applies as is, with some adjustment for context and
the dropping of the changes to src/cpu/x86/vm/stubRoutines_x86.cpp,
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
which don't exist in 8u. A clean backport of 7127191 is included, which
allows the changes to agent/src/os/linux/libproc_impl.c to apply as-is.
Applying the change to 8u improves the code quality there and aids
in backporting other changes, such as 8210836 [0].
Ok for 8u?
[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596
dalibor topic
2018-11-22 10:51:13 UTC
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Doesn't this have to be posted to jdk8u-dev?
The approval requests need to go to jdk8u-dev. The reviews can happen on
the appropriate list, which may or may not be jd8u-dev - it typically is
the list where the initial change was discussed.

dalibor topic
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
I had a look at the backport.
Including 7127191 confused me a bit. Is it good to hide the fact that
this was backported in the repository?
In os_linux one fix is missing, is this on purpose? I don't think this is a
critical issue, though, so leaving it out is fine.
the dropping of the changes to ...
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
These changes are included in the webrev ...?
The webrev looks good to me.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Andrew Hughes
Sent: Mittwoch, 21. November 2018 07:45
Subject: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8140482
The patch largely applies as is, with some adjustment for context and
the dropping of the changes to src/cpu/x86/vm/stubRoutines_x86.cpp,
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
which don't exist in 8u. A clean backport of 7127191 is included, which
allows the changes to agent/src/os/linux/libproc_impl.c to apply as-is.
Applying the change to 8u improves the code quality there and aids
in backporting other changes, such as 8210836 [0].
Ok for 8u?
[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Jan Schultheiss, Val Maher

<http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment
Lindenmaier, Goetz
2018-11-22 11:34:21 UTC
Hi Dalibor,

thanks for the info!

Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Donnerstag, 22. November 2018 11:51
Subject: Re: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Doesn't this have to be posted to jdk8u-dev?
The approval requests need to go to jdk8u-dev. The reviews can happen on
the appropriate list, which may or may not be jd8u-dev - it typically is
the list where the initial change was discussed.
dalibor topic
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
I had a look at the backport.
Including 7127191 confused me a bit. Is it good to hide the fact that
this was backported in the repository?
In os_linux one fix is missing, is this on purpose? I don't think this is a
critical issue, though, so leaving it out is fine.
the dropping of the changes to ...
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
These changes are included in the webrev ...?
The webrev looks good to me.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Andrew Hughes
Sent: Mittwoch, 21. November 2018 07:45
Subject: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8140482
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
The patch largely applies as is, with some adjustment for context and
the dropping of the changes to src/cpu/x86/vm/stubRoutines_x86.cpp,
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
which don't exist in 8u. A clean backport of 7127191 is included, which
allows the changes to agent/src/os/linux/libproc_impl.c to apply as-is.
Applying the change to 8u improves the code quality there and aids
in backporting other changes, such as 8210836 [0].
Ok for 8u?
[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Jan Schultheiss, Val Maher
<http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing
dalibor topic
2018-11-22 11:40:08 UTC
The reason we picked that model for JDK 8 Updates at the time was to
have a central place to document and discuss decisions about which
changes get approved into 8u (jdk8u-dev, in this case), without
requiring the developers most likely to be able to review backports to
sign up for another mailing list where they wouldn't (need to) care
about most of the on-list review & approval traffic.

dalibor topic
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Hi Dalibor,
thanks for the info!
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Donnerstag, 22. November 2018 11:51
Subject: Re: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Doesn't this have to be posted to jdk8u-dev?
The approval requests need to go to jdk8u-dev. The reviews can happen on
the appropriate list, which may or may not be jd8u-dev - it typically is
the list where the initial change was discussed.
dalibor topic
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
I had a look at the backport.
Including 7127191 confused me a bit. Is it good to hide the fact that
this was backported in the repository?
In os_linux one fix is missing, is this on purpose? I don't think this is a
critical issue, though, so leaving it out is fine.
the dropping of the changes to ...
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
These changes are included in the webrev ...?
The webrev looks good to me.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
Andrew Hughes
Sent: Mittwoch, 21. November 2018 07:45
Subject: [8u] [RFR] 8140482: Various minor code improvements (runtime)
Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8140482
Post by Lindenmaier, Goetz
The patch largely applies as is, with some adjustment for context and
the dropping of the changes to src/cpu/x86/vm/stubRoutines_x86.cpp,
src/share/vm/runtime/task.cpp and
which don't exist in 8u. A clean backport of 7127191 is included, which
allows the changes to agent/src/os/linux/libproc_impl.c to apply as-is.
Applying the change to 8u improves the code quality there and aids
in backporting other changes, such as 8210836 [0].
Ok for 8u?
[0] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/serviceability-dev/2018-
Andrew :)
Senior Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.redhat.com)
Web Site: http://fuseyism.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gnu_andrew_java
PGP Key: ed25519/0xCFDA0F9B35964222 (hkp://keys.gnupg.net)
Fingerprint = 5132 579D D154 0ED2 3E04 C5A0 CFDA 0F9B 3596 4222
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Jan Schultheiss, Val Maher
<http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Jan Schultheiss, Val Maher

<http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment
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