Gary Adams
2018-10-18 12:20:30 UTC
It would be helpful in tracking bugs we are targetting
for the current release, if the bug status was kept up to
date. An unassigned or lower priority bug is a good
candidate to defer. Sometimes bugs are assigned, but
there ends up being resource conflicts to complete
the effort.
I'd like to ask people to take advantage of
the "Start/Stop Working" button in Jira to
indicate if they are actively working on code
or a review for a particular bug.
for the current release, if the bug status was kept up to
date. An unassigned or lower priority bug is a good
candidate to defer. Sometimes bugs are assigned, but
there ends up being resource conflicts to complete
the effort.
I'd like to ask people to take advantage of
the "Start/Stop Working" button in Jira to
indicate if they are actively working on code
or a review for a particular bug.